
Published on:

21st May 2021

67. Think Small to Go BIG

Did you know that only 8% of people actually reach their goals? That means 92% of people fail their goals, usually within a couple of weeks or months!

What is it that differentiates between failure and success for those people? According to researchers, the thing that differentiates between success and failure is setting specific and challenging goals.

That doesn't mean you have to try to do everything at once. Trying to reach for something too big all at once is a recipe for failure. If you want to go big, sometimes you have to think small. You have to change your habits to change your life.

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About the Podcast

Teen Catalyst
Teen Catalyst is a podcast dedicated to coaching teens to become men and women of IMPACT, who can change the world.
Empowering teens' development into tomorrow's thought leaders and entrepreneurs, and coaching them to become men and women of IMPACT, who can change the world.

About your host

Profile picture for Ken Eash

Ken Eash

The "why guy".
Inspiring you to discover purpose, fulfill your God given potential, and create a life and career you LOVE!