Episode 155

Published on:

23rd Feb 2022

Key #4 Do the Next Thing

101 Keys to Winning at Life: #4

Do the Next Thing

I am able to “win at life” by getting things done. When I have multiple tasks that need to be completed, trying to do them all at once makes me feel frantic and overwhelmed. I hinder myself from doing any of the jobs efficiently. I become impatient, irritable, and unpleasant to be around. I have learned that I need to stop, take a breath, make a list, and do one thing at a time. One by one tasks get done, and I can confidently move on to the next thing. I may get interrupted, but if I have a list to come back to, I know exactly where I need to start again. As the tasks on my list get crossed off, I have a definite feeling of success and winning!

If you want to create a roadmap to winning at life for your teen, just send an email to coach@teencatalyst.com with the subject line "Winning at Life", and a short paragraph about your situation.

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About the Podcast

Teen Catalyst
Teen Catalyst is a podcast dedicated to coaching teens to become men and women of IMPACT, who can change the world.
Empowering teens' development into tomorrow's thought leaders and entrepreneurs, and coaching them to become men and women of IMPACT, who can change the world.

About your host

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Ken Eash

The "why guy".
Inspiring you to discover purpose, fulfill your God given potential, and create a life and career you LOVE!